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Event Subscription Diagnostic Info

Schema defining the response for event subscription diagnostics, including details about processed and unprocessed events.

  • latestOffset: The latest offset of the event in the system.
  • currentOffset: The current offset of the event subscription.
  • startingOffset: The initial offset of the event subscription when it started processing.
  • hasProcessedAllEvents (boolean): Indicates whether all events have been processed.
  • successfulEventsCount: Count of successful events for specific alert.
  • failedEventsCount: Count of failed events for specific alert.
  • relevantUnprocessedEventsCount: The number of relevant unprocessed events based on the alert's filtering rules for specific alert.
  • totalUnprocessedEventsCount: The total number of unprocessed events.
  • relevantUnprocessedEventsList (array): A list of relevant unprocessed events based on the alert's filtering criteria.
  • totalUnprocessedEventsList (array): A list of all unprocessed events.

Documentation file automatically generated at 2025-01-15 09:05:25.266839+00:00.